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Wireless ear headphones, bluetooth headphone, earphone headphones to reduce noise, bone connection headphones, sport with microphone, free

Wireless ear headphones, bluetooth headphone, earphone headphones to reduce noise, bone connection headphones, sport with microphone, free
Wireless ear headphones, bluetooth headphone, earphone headphones to reduce noise, bone connection headphones, sport with microphone, free
Wireless ear headphones, bluetooth headphone, earphone headphones to reduce noise, bone connection headphones, sport with microphone, free
Wireless ear headphones, bluetooth headphone, earphone headphones to reduce noise, bone connection headphones, sport with microphone, free
Wireless ear headphones, bluetooth headphone, earphone headphones to reduce noise, bone connection headphones, sport with microphone, free
Wireless ear headphones, bluetooth headphone, earphone headphones to reduce noise, bone connection headphones, sport with microphone, free
Wireless ear headphones, bluetooth headphone, earphone headphones to reduce noise, bone connection headphones, sport with microphone, free
Wireless ear headphones, bluetooth headphone, earphone headphones to reduce noise, bone connection headphones, sport with microphone, free
Wireless ear headphones, bluetooth headphone, earphone headphones to reduce noise, bone connection headphones, sport with microphone, free
Wireless ear headphones, bluetooth headphone, earphone headphones to reduce noise, bone connection headphones, sport with microphone, free
Wireless ear headphones, bluetooth headphone, earphone headphones to reduce noise, bone connection headphones, sport with microphone, free
Wireless ear headphones, bluetooth headphone, earphone headphones to reduce noise, bone connection headphones, sport with microphone, free
Wireless ear headphones, bluetooth headphone, earphone headphones to reduce noise, bone connection headphones, sport with microphone, free
  • Product code: 1005007321776755
السعر بدون ضريبة : $89.58

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هاي فاي جودة الصوت الصف ل لعبة الموسيقى دون تأخير ل لاسلكية 5 3

  • ارتداء الأقراط: تصميم مفتوح بالكامل مريح للارتداء
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  • العرض الرقمي: التحكم في البطارية في الوقت الحقيقي
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ناقل حركة سريع لاسلكي

خوارزمية وقت استجابة منخفض أكثر كفاءة للاستماع إلى الموسيقى ومشاهدة الدراما التلفزيونية ولعب الألعاب ، مما يوفر تجربة ممتعة

عرض رقمي عالي الدقة عرض بطارية في الوقت الحقيقي

تصميم مبتكر ، شاشة عرض مستوى البطارية ، شاشة في الوقت الفعلي في لمحة

مكالمة صوتية عالية الدقة

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